Restore Hormonal Imbalance
With Hormone Pellet Therapy

The Benefits of Hormone Pellet Therapy

Hormonal imbalance affects thousands of women and men every year. Because of that, hormone replacement therapy is a common treatment. And hormone pellet therapy has many advantages over hormone creams. Remember, you have choices in your hormone treatment approach.

What Are Some of the Advantages of Hormone Pellet Therapy over Creams?

Here are 4 of the main advantages of choosing pellet therapy over creams:

1. Even Dosing

Hormone Pellet Therapy

Hormone pellet therapy offers you even dosing. Important hormones like estrogen for women and testosterone for men are evenly dosed and absorbed as your body needs them. Hormone pellet therapy is structured similarly to what your body produces on its own. It will supply those hormones with even, steady dosing.


Hormone creams do not provide even dosing

Hormone creams are absorbed through the skin. Because of that, they carry the same unpredictable hormone fluctuations as traditional hormone pills. If you are trying to escape hormonal swings, the uneven dosing of hormone creams can actually make them worse.

2. No Transference

Hormone Pellet Therapy

Hormone pellet therapy does not carry the risk of transference. This simply means the hormones stay where they were intended. Hormone pellets are inserted into the hip region. You can rest easy because there is no risk of the hormones transferring to another person, place or thing. Fido won’t need to worry. Your husband can rest easy. And the tennis racket won’t get its daily estrogen. The hormones were made for you. That’s where they’ll stay.


Hormones Creams Transfer

One of the biggest drawbacks of hormone creams is the risk of transference. Creams are applied by hand. Usually many times a day. Because of this, unless you wash your hands after every single use, anyone you come in contact with can be exposed. It is a common issue for hormone creams to be transferred to kids, your spouse, food in dinner prep and even family pets.

3. Synergy With Your Busy Lifestyle

Hormone Pellet Therapy

You’re a busy person! From family to work to social, we get it. That’s why Essenza Health strives to provide solutions that work into your active lifestyle. Hormone pellet therapy is simple. You will have a pellet inserted about every three or four months. That’s it! Many patients begin to feel relief of their symptoms within one to two days after the first pellet insertion. Then, they’ll feel an overall difference in about two weeks in mood, energy, libido and even appearance.


Creams - Add Another To-Do To Your List

Hormone creams must be applied at least once a day, sometimes more. Creams do not offer the ease of use of the busy woman’s life today. You have enough on your to-do list. In fact, it grows each day. Is adding a cream that has to be applied each and every day really giving you any relief?

4. Personalized Medicine

Hormone Pellet Therapy

Pellet therapy is today’s revolutionary personalized medicine. Under the care of Dr. Russo a thorough lab evaluation will be done. Then, hormone therapy will be determined based on your specific needs. It is unique to you.


Creams Can Be A Cookie Cutter Approach

Creams used for hormone imbalance can be bought from many places. Independent pharmacies. Holistic gurus. Unregulated offices. They are not always designed under the care and supervision of a trained physician. Hormones play a vital role in your life and wellbeing. Why leave them to chance?

Learn more about what to expect with hormone pellet treatments and make the choice that is right for you. You’re a woman of the times. Shouldn’t your hormone treatment be, too?

Hormone pellet therapy is effective, safe and easy! Reclaim hormone harmony from the inside out at Essenza Health.