Bioidentical Hormone

Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone imbalance can wreak havoc on a woman’s body with symptoms varying from the uncomfortable to the unbearable. While bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can provide safe solutions to balance hormones and relieve symptoms, Dr. Russo and Essenza Health take it a step further. She has specialized training in the use and implantation of bio-identical hormone replacement using bio-identical hormone pellets. This enables Dr. Russo to provide safe, natural and effective solutions to optimize hormonal balance and improve quality of life.

The Natural Advantage of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Bioidentical hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, are designed to mimic the hormones naturally produced by your body, providing a more natural approach to hormone replacement therapy. These hormones are often delivered through tiny pellets inserted just beneath the skin, which consistently release hormones into the bloodstream based on your body's specific needs. Because they are bioidentical, they are metabolized naturally, reducing the risk of harmful side effects and enhancing effectiveness. This delivery method offers consistent dosages, requires fewer treatments, and provides numerous health benefits. Schedule an appointment today to learn more about how bioidentical hormone therapy can support your health and well-being.

Hormone Pellets vs Other Delivery Methods:

Hormone Pellets Other Delivery Methods
Consistent optimization Inconsistent results
Only 3 to 4 insertions per year Weekly/daily treatments
Health benefits Numerous side effects

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Benefits

  • Weight loss
  • Mental clarity and function
  • Muscle strength
  • Improved quality of life
  • Preventing age-related illness
  • Restoring energy
  • Restoring feelings of youthfulness and happinessReducing menopause symptoms
  • Heightening libido
  • Reducing the risk of heart disease, mental disorders, osteoporosis, cancer

Would Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Benefit Me?

Many women notice a variety of issues that affect their ability to function day-to-day. They might not realize that the symptoms they experience are indicative of imbalanced hormones.

These symptoms include:

  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Unexplained weight gain, especially around the midsection
  • Inability to lose weight, despite being active and eating a healthy diet
  • Loss of muscle strength
  • Pain in the joints or muscles
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Difficulty focusing and reduced memory
  • Feelings of moodiness, depression, or anxiety
  • Reduction in sexual performance or low libido

Get the Men in Your Life Feeling Better!

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy is not just for women. Studies have shown men begin losing testosterone at a rate of three to ten percent per year beginning at age 30. Current medical research now defines a male equivalent to menopause as andropause. Because the testosterone used is totally natural, it is ideal for men who want the benefits of a bio-identical hormone without the drawbacks of a synthetic.

Men with testosterone deficiency may experience fatigue, lack of mental acuity, loss of libido, and difficulty achieving or sustaining an erection. They are also at increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease, coronary vascular disease (CVD), osteoporosis, prostate cancer, and diabetes mellitus.

The Factor of E

Estrogen is the most important hormone to a woman’s health. Without hormone replacement therapy of some kind, estrogen loss increases the risk for the development of serious medical conditions. The longer estrogen is low, the greater the risk becomes. Because estrogen receptors exist in many different organs throughout the body, an imbalance in hormones causes a wide variety of symptoms such as loss of skin elasticity, loss of bone mass, moodiness, and marked decreases in cognitive function. When estrogen levels rise, however, these symptoms can be relieved and conditions improved.

Low T

Testosterone is also crucial to a woman’s health. It provides benefits including greater mental clarity, increased libido, and improved muscle tone and mass. When women suffer from low levels of testosterone, they often suffer symptoms such as confusion, unexplained weight gain, and poor muscle tone despite exercise. The brain needs balanced amounts of testosterone and estrogen to produce serotonin, which support emotional stability and help with anxiety, irritability, difficulty sleeping, sadness, anger, depression, pain in the muscles and joints, muscle atrophy, osteopenia, and osteoporosis.

Get your body and mind back into balance! Schedule your appointment with Dr. Russo at Essenza Health to learn more about bio-identical hormones and how they can benefit you today.