Claim Victory:
Vaginal Health After Cancer
Successfully battling cancer takes strength to survive. But waging that battle can put other areas of your health at risk. The surgeries and treatments that are critical to saving you often compromise your health and quality of life. Recovery of your overall health after cancer is not easy. At Essenza Health, we offer our deepest respect and admiration for these strong survivors who have shown such bravery. We consider it our greatest honor to provide you with solutions. We will help you return to your vibrant self and feel your very best.

Battle Wounds
We know that surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and other medicines such as aromatase inhibitors can cause you to experience premature menopause. This can result in:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Hormonal imbalances
- Vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy
- Burning in the vagina
- Cognitive impairment
- Mood swings
These symptoms greatly impact your quality of life and sexual function. We want to help you achieve the goal of becoming restored to health in every way possible. Therefore, we offer a range of treatments that are safe, effective, and beneficial to your health, confidence and well-being.
Building the Battalion
In her specialization with women’s health, Dr. Russo is fully able to discuss all available options. Also, she works in conjunction with the oncologists and surgeons who have been charged with your care. Whether having survived ovarian cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, endometrial cancer, or other cancers, the fight to win against this ravaging disease is a fierce one that requires strength and stamina.
Living vibrantly means feeling self-confident and strong. Unfortunately, cancer treatment can diminish that in the wake of its aggression. We at Essenza Health provide our patients safe, effective solutions that will not endanger your progress but rather build on it. This allows you to reclaim your place in the world as the amazing women you are.
Call the team of experts at Essenza Health to schedule a personal consultation and learn more about the many ways we can help restore your vaginal health today!

Tools of Survival
At Essenza Health, we’ve seen the impact cancer treatment has on vaginal health. We offer state-of-the-art treatment to help you reclaim your beauty from the inside out.
O-Shot® injections - to enhance their sexual fulfillment, using this safe method of treatment to naturally stimulate the body's ability to reach orgasm and free you to enjoy intimacy again.
diVaTyte™ therapy - to repair the tone, texture, appearance, and sensitivity of the labia, which often feels lax following treatment for cancer due to imbalances in estrogen.