Healthy Vaginal Function Offers a More Fulfilling Intimate Life
Are you checking on your vaginal health? We know vaginal health can fall down on the priority list sometimes. We get our flu shot. Maybe an annual physical. Make sure the health of our children is squared away. Seems like many of us only look into our vaginal health when there’s a problem. Ladies, there’s more to it than soap and water. Your most intimate area deserves attention too.
There are many factors affecting healthy vaginal function. You’re not alone. Poor vaginal health affects thousands of women for different reasons: hormone imbalance, vaginal childbirth; the list goes on. Do you know the signs of lower vaginal function? Life speeds by. Because of that, maybe you’re not sure if your vaginal health is suffering. You’ve chalked up the changes to aging. Menopause. The triplets in the backyard. It’s ok. The signs are many and very common. Here, take a look at some of the most common signs of decreased vaginal function.
Vaginal laxity: Lamenting a “loose vagina.”
Vaginal laxity is common and frustrating. As a result, loss of friction leads to lower sexual satisfaction for both partners.
Vaginal dryness can make intimacy literally a pain!
We’ve all been there. Lubricants become the mainstay. But what if you could alleviate this problem naturally?
Labial laxity
Let’s bring this one to the forefront. Because so many of us have it.
“Loose lips.” Laxity in the labial area affects intimacy, function and self-esteem.
Vaginal atrophy
Vaginal atrophy affects women after menopause.
Thinning, drying and inflammation of the vaginal walls can lead to many problems. Certainly, intimacy suffers. Incontinence rears its head. Even more, you’re at a higher risk for those pesky urinary tract infections.
Vaginal Health Solutions that can Improve Your Intimate Life from the Inside Out
Don’t settle for less than your body deserves
I offer safe, proven solutions to help you regain your intimate life! I perform them right here in the privacy of our office so that you are comfortable every step of the way.
diVa® and diVaTyte™
Heard of diVa® and diVaTyte™? These noninvasive techniques are helping women everywhere improve their vaginal health. Whether you suffer from atrophy, dryness or “loose lips,” diVa® and diVaTyte™ may be the choice for you.
BioTE® Pellet Therapy
Many signs and symptoms of decreased vaginal health are due to hormonal imbalance. BioTE® Pellet Therapy restores hormones important to vaginal health like estrogen and progesterone.
Many women who stop experiencing orgasms accept that change as part of life. Intimate pleasure can be yours again with the revolutionary O-Shot®. The O-Shot® improves vaginal health using your body’s own blood platelets. The results are greater sexual pleasure and improved vaginal function.
Ladies, isn’t it time for a vaginal health exam? Come see me at Essenza Health to learn about innovative, personalized medicine to help you restore from the inside out.