Questions to Ask Your Hormone Specialist

A hormone specialist is a highly trained medical provider credentialed in treating hormone health and imbalance. Knowing the right questions to ask your hormone specialist is a critical part of your journey to balance. Achieving this hormone balance is important for a high quality of life. More than that, though, adequate hormones in your bloodstream protect your brain and bones long term. Dr. Russo is a hormone specialist and will cover how hormones play a role in your health.
Hormone balance is a key part of staying your healthiest mentally, physically and emotionally.
Here are 5 Questions to Ask Your Hormone Specialist
1. What are My Hormone Options?
There are many options in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and bio-identical HRT. Because of this, the choices are often confusing. The right choice for you will depend upon your medical and family history. We’ve known for years that women with a history of cancer should steer clear of estrogen HRT. Obesity and smoking are two factors that put women at a higher risk of complications when taking estrogen-heavy HRT. But, now we know that all oral HRTs are associated with a higher risk of blood clots like VTE. With that, be sure to go over your entire family and medical history with your hormone specialist as you explore your hormone options.
2. What are the Signs of Menopause?
You know you’re not yourself. You haven’t felt like yourself in a while. It could be menopause. Be sure to go over all your changes, inside and out, with your hormone specialist. Menopause has three distinct stages. These are perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. While the average age of menopause in women is 51, the symptoms creep in years before that in many people. Every woman experiences the stages of menopause differently. However, some common signs include hot flashes, mood swings and stubborn weight gain.
Men go through menopause, too.
Many symptoms of menopause are misdiagnosed or go unrecognized altogether.
3. What Can I Expect from Hormone Therapy?
The right hormone therapy works wonders for your health and wellbeing to help you feel like yourself again. Knowing what to expect helps to set you up for success. At Essenza Health, we choose BioTE® BHRT, a subdermal hormone replacement therapy. Patients love how safe, effective and easy BioTE® is to work into any lifestyle. Hormone levels can only be determined through a lab test here in the office. Once those levels are established, Dr. Russo will discuss your options for BHRT and clear up any questions.
4. Will I Have to Stay on Hormone Therapy Forever?
Although every patient is unique, in most cases you will need to stay on HRT long term. It’s important for overall health to maintain hormone balance. However, you may find that in time the levels are decreased or adjusted. Adequate levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and other hormones are crucial to your wellbeing-mentally, emotionally and physically.
5. What do Patients Like Me Have to Say?
Be sure to ask your hormone specialist for the stories of other patients. You’ll want to know about the experience of others to relate. At Essenza Health, we see hundreds of men and women every year to review hormone therapy. Some are new to the idea. Others are exploring options from other methods of trying to manage their symptoms of hormone imbalance on their own. We choose BioTE® BHRT. The safety profile, ease to the patient and effectiveness make it hands-down the top choice. But even better, our patients love the results. BioTE® is personalized medicine based on your individual needs.
Essenza Health welcomes your hormone questions! If you or someone you care about feels out of balance, it could be hormones. Call us today for your private consultation.