Vaginal Laxity – You are Not Alone
Overlooked and Underdiscussed
Despite the fact that it’s one of the most common health issues faced by women all over the world, vaginal laxity is a topic women generally do not discuss with their doctors. It is often directly related to the physical stresses of childbirth, certain medical conditions, and the natural processes of aging – processes most women will face in their lifetimes. Dr. Russo can help you have this discussion. Her sincere interest in every woman’s health allows you to feel comfortable and respected as, together, you find effective solutions for your health.
State-of-the-Art Treatment Options
By resurfacing the vaginal walls and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin deep within the tissues, diVa laser therapy renews health and youthfulness to the vagina and improves overall vaginal health. O-Shot injections are greatly beneficial for women suffering vaginal laxity, as well as various other sexual dysfunctions. These injections provide an increase in sensitivity, heightened orgasms, improved vaginal moisture, and decreased laxity. Each of these procedures is safe, efficient, effective, gentle, and requires no downtime.
Hotlink to the diva laser therapy page and the O-shot page
Common Causes of Vaginal Laxity
· Vaginal deliveries
· Trauma to the vagina
· A high rate of sexual activity
· Poor episiotomy repair
· Certain genetic disorders
· Menopause
· Aging
Common Symptoms of Vaginal Laxity
· Decrease in sensitivity during sexual intercourse
· Inability to experience orgasm
· Loss of lubrication
· Lack of sexual enjoyment or pleasure
· Avoidance of sexual relations with partner
Why is it Important?
Unaddressed, vaginal laxity can have a significant bearing on vaginal health, causing not only pain or discomfort but also urinary incontinence and feeling a lack of desirability. Fortunately, there are safe and effective ways to treat vaginal laxity that will improve vaginal health and restore the confidence and pleasure that a woman takes in her sexual experience.
Dr. Russo is dedicated to offering her patients a high level of professional and sensitive care. At Essenza Health, we have demonstrated proven results that provide life-changing benefits. Give our office a call.
Reclaim Your Beauty From the Inside Out